Monday, January 25, 2016

SOS Build Log - page 4


The carvings decorating the stern area of the ship are the most interesting and perhaps the most difficult of all.

All carvings complete, the stern panel is ready to be installed onto the ship.

The octagonal lantern house tops the beautiful stern.

The beginning of the large panel that will become the ships highly ornate stern.

Friday, January 1, 2016

SOS Build Log - page5


The figurehead of the Sovereign shows King Charles mounted on horseback with raised sword, having slain this terrible creature laying below.

This was the most difficult of all the carvings because it is the only full three dimensional figure on the ship.

Note the location of the two "heads" just below the short bow deck.

Having now completed all of the     carvings on the bow bulkhead, this is the beginning of the beak structure.