All masts and tops and spars (yards) have now been installed.
The final "running rigging" is all that remains to finishing.
"Crows feet" rigging from the mizzen mast to the shrouds of the main mast.
The bowsprit top and mast with the "crows feet" rigging.
All masts installed with the nine tops (crows nests).
Standing rigging is complete.
A finished top mounted on the cross trees.
Three tops under construction.
There are about eighty pieces to each one of the tops.
Adding the first of nine tops (crows nests)
The foremast with standing rigging.
Each of the masts are stabilized in all directions by the standing rigging cables seen here.
Also note the two outside lines (shrouds) that will become the "ratlines"....the rope ladders used by the crew to move up and down from the decks.